Should I actually be able to immediately sense every moment as being as fully perfect as it is? I believe not. I even believe that not all moments would be perfect for us when we would sense all of them as perfect. Not only because perfection wouldn't mean much to us when there was no contrast with perfection anywhere, but also because we wouldn't have any opportunities to perfectly notice ourselves noticing imperfection. Or would perfectly noticing ourselves noticing imperfection make it all perfect again? In retrospect? Or is there no way to ever get to the bottom of this when trying to describe it with language?
I was thinking about the limits of sharing experience with each-other by using words earlier today, when I read a piece of writing on the subject by author and teacher Jeff Foster, in which he introduced a Hafiz quote that resonated remarkably with me:
"If you think that the sun and the ocean
Can pass through that tiny opening
Called the mouth,
O, someone should start laughing!
Someone should start wildly laughing -
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