Monday, June 17, 2013

Enhancing Openness

Just like the Vietnamese Buddhist monk and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh said, feelings come and go. Feelings never stay long. Unless we make them stay long. Usually by desperate attempts to avoid experiencing them, or by 're-doing' them over and over again. When on the other hand you open yourself up for feelings, when you are open to explore an emotion that is presenting itself, awareness of the emotion will increase, while the intensity of feelings decrease again. As if the whole point of that intensity was to get you to pay attention in the first place.

Observing your breathing can serve as an anchor to stay in that place. Observing how feelings and an emotion impact your breathing, is very helpful to remain calm enough to avoid reactiveness and in stead enhance openness. And an effective way to get yourself to remember to observe your breathing when a strong emotion arises, is to ask yourself the question how to get yourself to remember to observe your breathing when a strong emotion arises.

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